To the moderator,
This is my A2 Media blog for the film poster,magazine and trailer unit. I have created a trailer for my film idea 'The Grim Truth' and along side this i made a magazine front cover and poster. All of these can be found below starting from September were you will find my research and planning progress. ( ) If you go to the march posts you will find my evaluation pages. ( ) Feel free to look through my research and planning pages, evaluation pages and completed media products.

Hope you enjoy,
Beth Hawley

Thursday, 14 February 2013

research and planning: poster progress

This is my horror film poster at the present date. I have decided to strip the whole piece back to basics and make the poster look differently. I think at the moment the whole thing is too dark and needs some brightness to show the contrast for the horror genre.

Magazine Cover

This is my finished horror film magazine, after reviews my audience feedback I made some slight changes and I'm now happy with the final product. I have used the three colour rule of black, white and red varying in shades adding small elements of grey and yellow. I think the image i have used relates well in promoting the grim truth. I chose to use photographs of my supporting character (Sara) for my poster and magazine to show a more vulnerable and physcotic element because of my main character (Harriet).

research and planning: Unedited footage

This is some unedited footage for our The Grim Truth trailer. The beginning of the footage consists of various shots of hospital documents pinned on a wall to give a more clear narrative that the character is a mental patient. The other shots are playing about with materials on associate plastic to give a dripping blood effect, this didn't work effectively therefor we didn't include the idea in our trailer.

research and planning: creating sound

This is a video of me and my partner creating some sound. We used garage band to play around with sounds such as keyboard, organs and various effects to make a soundtrack for our trailer. I also created some sound effects of a heart beat which again was created on garage band. I used an ishowu video to record 'the glass sound'. This is a half full glass of water, then follow the rim of the glass to create different sounds for different glasses.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

research and planning: edit log

This is an edit log, to show an approximate estimate of the time i have spend editing our trailer.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Research and planning: Trailer so far

This is our trailer so far, the main narrative is quite unclear from this video because we have yet to add some important footage, voice overs and sound effects. We need to create a soundtrack for our trailer, we have looked at case 19's trailer to find the codes and conventions of horror/thriller sounds.

Friday, 8 February 2013

research and planning: Shooting schedules

research and planning: audience feedback for poster/magazine/trailer

These are audience feedback for mine and my partners magazine cover, poster and our trailer. The feedback on a whole was very positive but constructive on the most part concerning our trailer.
Poster strengths:
-The colour scheme of red/black and white.
-uses all convention features.
-clear genre shown through out
Poster areas for development:
-The tag line could stand out more.
-Make the background darker.
Magazine strengths:
-colour scheme typical horror genre.
-The shapes behind the cover lines.
Magazine areas for development:
-Make the masthead stand out more.
-some darker areas.
Trailer strengths:
-The long high pitch tones.
-The white and black flashes and fades.
-Different shots.
Trailer areas for development:
-Make the voice over louder.
-Experiment more with the background sounds.
-More titles throughout.

research and planning: Poster

This is my poster so far, i have yet too add audience reviews and ratings, the cast names and other elemetns to pull the whole thing together.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

research and planning: Un-edited asylum footage

This footage was filmed at my sisters house acting as a mental asylum. In our trailer we have asylum shots with the main character, but we decided to include another mental patient to show the effects of the main character (Harriet). The introduction of this character is showing that (Harriet) has made her mad, creating tension and fear for others who are unaware of the main characters past.