To the moderator,
This is my A2 Media blog for the film poster,magazine and trailer unit. I have created a trailer for my film idea 'The Grim Truth' and along side this i made a magazine front cover and poster. All of these can be found below starting from September were you will find my research and planning progress. ( ) If you go to the march posts you will find my evaluation pages. ( ) Feel free to look through my research and planning pages, evaluation pages and completed media products.

Hope you enjoy,
Beth Hawley

Friday, 16 November 2012

Research and palnning: magazine drafts x2

This is a first draft of my film magazine cover. I changed the name of my magazine from rewind to uncut. I used a close up shot for the focus image to make the whole face fill the frame. I included indication of cover lines, the barcode, the price, masthead and slug line.

This is a draft of my magazine cover. This is a second idea and less refined than the first because i think the first draft will be more succsessful. I included a mid shot of a female character, using the same hairstyle and makeup as on the first draft. There will also be a Masthead, slug line, price, barcode, and cover lines on my magazine cover.

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