To the moderator,
This is my A2 Media blog for the film poster,magazine and trailer unit. I have created a trailer for my film idea 'The Grim Truth' and along side this i made a magazine front cover and poster. All of these can be found below starting from September were you will find my research and planning progress. ( ) If you go to the march posts you will find my evaluation pages. ( ) Feel free to look through my research and planning pages, evaluation pages and completed media products.

Hope you enjoy,
Beth Hawley

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

research and planning: sound research

During our trailer on a few occasions we will be including footsteps, for example when one girl locks another girl into a small room, when she walks away her feet and the stepping sounds are highlighted. Also on other occasions footsteps will be present as a background effect.

This video shows the music on a classic horror film trailer, the beginning i feel could work really well on my own trailer, elements and sounds from this trailer would work well with our genre and plot.

This clip is of the trailer for horror film 'Case 39'. I really like the music used throughout the whole trailer because it starts off quite neutral then as the action kicks in so does the music in a subtle way. The climax is built due to the sound effects and background music. I think this style of trailer music would work well on my own trailer and give it a physiological element.

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