Trailer script:
Girl 1 (new girl): Orla
Girl 2 (leader of the group): Charlotte
Girl 3 (follower): Lily
Girl 4 (tomboy): Sophie
shots 3-5:
casual conversation
shots 7-10
crying, sniffles
shot 12: Orla and Lily
Orla: "iv just gotta grab something"
(lily is locked in)
Lily: "let me out"
shots 19-22 Doctor in asylum
mysterious girl: "no no no no" panicking
Doctor: "calm down, calm down your fine, you'll just feel a little scratch"
shots 23,2430,31,32
in the asylum
Mysterious girl: screaming, pleading
: "get off" "let go"
Shots 35-41
Sophie and lily in the park
Lily: "weird things have been going on recently"
Throughout the trailer there isn't much dialogue, and the large amount being casual conversation between friends, but in the majority being screams and frantic outbursts.
To the moderator,
This is my A2 Media blog for the film poster,magazine and trailer unit. I have created a trailer for my film idea 'The Grim Truth' and along side this i made a magazine front cover and poster. All of these can be found below starting from September were you will find my research and planning progress. ( ) If you go to the march posts you will find my evaluation pages. ( ) Feel free to look through my research and planning pages, evaluation pages and completed media products.
Hope you enjoy,
Beth Hawley
This is my A2 Media blog for the film poster,magazine and trailer unit. I have created a trailer for my film idea 'The Grim Truth' and along side this i made a magazine front cover and poster. All of these can be found below starting from September were you will find my research and planning progress. ( ) If you go to the march posts you will find my evaluation pages. ( ) Feel free to look through my research and planning pages, evaluation pages and completed media products.
Hope you enjoy,
Beth Hawley
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